Bridging the Gap

Many of us have taken a bridge loan to cover the gaps between employment. This is a feature of the “on demand” economy. As consumers we have been quick to adopt the concept of having what we want “on demand” It is easy to not think about who is funding the gap in demand. It is a lot tougher when the funding comes from our personal savings instead of a company reserve. We all like the concept of instant gratification. We react with dismay when we are expected to instantly deliver. I suspect that this is closer to the root of the gap issue.
We all hear about a skills gap. Will Rogers comes to mind when I consider the issue. He once quipped that it is easy to make money on the stock market. You buy stock and sell it after the price goes up. Someone asked him. “What happens if the price does not go up?” He said, “That is easy too, You don’t buy it.”

Will Rogers

Will Rogers

Solving the skills gap is every bit as easy. In North America we universally have enough hours of education to be the envy of the majority of the world’s population. Any skill that our economy needs can be learned in within the number of hours of education that we have received. So how do we solve the skills gap? We quit spending our education hours learning unneeded skills.
This is a lot easier said than done. The “new” math that is taught as a part of STEM education was inverted by the Arabs before the birth of Christ. Initiatives like vouchers are vigorously opposed by the education hierarchy, most likely because they introduce the possibility that the students might gain some say about the skills that they are being taught. Ah Yes, The credibility gap.
A fissure

A fissure

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