Options All in Families

Jean Stapleton and Carol O Conner appealed to our nostalgia for past that they portrayed as simpler than the reality.

Jean Stapleton and Carol O Conner appealed to our nostalgia for past that they portrayed as simpler than the reality.

In 1972 the Auto Industry manufactured 2 million identical Chevy Caprices. Those were the days. Identical is boring for the assembly line worker. I am positive that a typical Caprice auto assembly line assignment of installing the same three bolts on every car going by, would drive me bonkers. As an engineer, it was all about manufacturing speed. 2 million per year works out to one part every 4 seconds for a three shift operation. And God help you if the vehicle needed 8 copies for parts like pistons. Henry Ford would be proud. You can have any color that you want as long as it is black. 1972 was the high water mark for utilizing mass production to reduce manufacturing cost by making only identical copies. The high volume price convinced most buyers to compromise what they wanted. (An Ford F150 pickup truck at 500,00 annual volume is the highest selling model today,but the volume includes two entirely different chassis in that quantity)
Computerized ERP systems increased our ability to manage a degree of variability. This is not enough by itself. In most cases a buyer cannot afford to have most manufactured products custom and designed just for them. The first test Chrysler Minivan that I built cost $1,000,000. This bargain price was only possible because we were building 100 test units. I never have had personal money of this magnitude to spend on having a vehicle designed just for me. In the real market place, it is possible to purchase optional features for those items that are sufficiently popular to have enough buyers to share the design, development and testing cost.
While we were planning the families of options to fit within the Chrysler Minivan family, we built in the ability to make a camper van.
VW offered a recreational vehicle version of their minivan to fill their sales queue

VW offered a recreational vehicle version of their minivan to fill their sales queue

To this day there is a split within the Chrysler minivan sheet metal frame behind the front seats to enable creation of a camper vehicle frame. Chrysler Minivan sales have been high enough that they never needed to go after the camper market segment. Other makers such as VW discovered that niche in Europe.
The buyers would like to think that they can custom order whatever they want. The reality is that someone has engineered a family of product so that the buyer can customize within a range of options.
by Sarah Afshar - My love for Gatorade goes beyond

by Sarah Afshar – My love for Gatorade goes beyond

Yes, you can choose the flavor of gatoraid that you want but it comes in the same bottle off of the same packaging line

Affordable Mass Customization

The front wheel drive K-body became the parent for many vehicles including the successful Minivan

The front wheel drive K-body became the parent for many vehicles including the successful Minivan

Chrysler almost went bankrupt when the first K-bodies came out. Fighting through dismal sales of historic rear wheel drive models, the K-body tooling bills, launch hick-ups, the finish line finally was in sight. Lee Iacocca was desperate for cash flow. All of the first vehicles in the initial build schedule were fully loaded with all of the options. All of the engineering thrifting needed to sell a vehicle for the $9800 advertised base price had been done right. Engineers become creative when their backs are to the wall. Changing the bumpers to shorten the vehicle by 2 inches so that 7 cars instead of 6 per row would fit onto the captive train cars used for vehicle delivery, saved $100 which was the profit on the base vehicle. Sticker shock killed the initial sales. Curious buyers attracted to the new model hype came into the dealers to see, but turned away when none of the lowest cost vehicles were on display. The funny part of the story is that the buying public did not want to purchase the base model with its manual transmission and vinyl seats. Chrysler did not want to make vehicles with manual transmissions or vinyl seats either because these components actually cost more than the cloth seats and automatic transmissions that actually sold. Actually, what turned out to be important was that the buyers wanted to judge the value of the options for themselves. Welcome to mass customization!
It is easy to determine whether a design is ready for mass customization. A manufacturer of excavators missed the mark by designing a custom frame for their combo dozer option.
Equipment that can fill multiple roles is easier to employ to generate a profit.  An excavator that also functions as a bulldozer saves equipment mobilization.

Equipment that can fill multiple roles is easier to employ to generate a profit. An excavator that also functions as a bulldozer saves equipment mobilization.

It is possible that the mass customization that was accomplished through the use of welded mounting details showed as a cheaper manufacturing option. In reality a customized frame was never available to land a order from a customer who needed a timely delivery (Most customers do) For a little more piece cost, this offering could have been designed so that the option is nothing more than a bolted variation of the parent. I find it very interesting that companies such as Toyoda employ artisan craftsmen mechanics in separate facilities to flavor each vehicle to match the customers order. Yes, a change in thinking and a new manufacturing reality combine to satisfy a market demand for more customization without incurring excessive cost penalties.
Engineering is all about planning and implementing profitable future products. I am currently designing an electric vehicle.
A burden carrier delivers parts at the Ford Rouge Assembly plant.

A burden carrier delivers
parts at the Ford Rouge Assembly plant.

Even though lithium batteries like you find on a Tesla are a lower total cost option, it will be a while before the the buying public is educated enough to invest in the higher up front cost. This is where mass customization is all about planning for options. A good measure for my design success will be whether it is possible to offer all vehicle options from a common design frame. At the same time, it will be necessary to avoid penalizing the base model pricing when adding the design provisions needed to offer the full range of options.