Digital Key

Digital security will protect our connected devices from theft

Digital security will protect our connected
devices from theft

There has been much media attention applied to the massive hacking of various web sites to steal data. A lot less attention has been showered on the thieves that use radio receivers to capture and duplicate the electronic codes used for key-less car ignition. As a prudent strategy if you own a car that does not have a physical key, you should always avoid using the remote to lock the vehicle. This is especially true in a parking lot where it is impossible to detect whether a car thief is lurking in a nearby car. The current reality is unfortunate because our smart phones have the potential to increase security. It will take a lot more sophistication than we currently apply. We may need to delay the disabling of the device for a few days to enable a return trip home on a electric bicycle when your cell phone has died.
Electric bikes are less attractive as a theft target  if they become disabled

Electric bikes are less attractive as a theft target if they become disabled

Just like insurance has a cost, it may be necessary to subscribe to a cloud security service. Within the cloud it is possible to store unique key codes series for each device. The location capability of the cell phone system, combined with a suitable app, can create a cloud based log that records the cell phone number and when and where the device was unlocked which will enable multiple users. We will hear stories about stupid thieves who use their cell phone to activate stolen devices.
As a teenage at Halloween, we thought it was funny to do a drive-by garage door opener run. This worked because the system was based on only a few codes, and a collection of remotes would result in enough matches to be fun. If the activation codes are ever changing, there is no advantage in thieves listening in. Thieves who use a radio (or blue tooth) to obtain a code will discover that it has been changed. In the transition period, not everyone will want to use a cell phone based key. A chip key should also be included such that the device is active when it is plugged in. Obviously, the advantage of the cloud database is that it becomes possible to sell replacement keys. The cell phone based replacement can happen quickly but a physical chip based key requires delivery. We can all relate to loosing a key sometime or other.

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